Monday, June 9, 2008

The Men's Guide to Treating Your Hair Loss Naturally

Are you loosing your hair? If so, you are among the millions of men around the world who experience this every year. There are many ways that you can treat your hair loss problems without having to worry about going to the doctor; you just have to know what you plan to do about it and how it could work for you.

Eat Well

You may not think that treating your hair loss really begins with what you eat, but it does and it can be a big problem if you are choosing the wrong foods. If you are not eating well, it could be a major reason that your hair is falling out. You should make sure that you are eating enough fatty acids as well as iron in your daily diets, as both of these nutrients have shown tremendous benefit in hair loss prevention. There are case studies that show that low iron can cause men's hair loss. You may also notice a loss in hair when you are at a certain age range. This is because hair will naturally thin as people age. So, make it a priority to eat well so that you can aid in your hair loss prevention.

Consider Herbal Remedies

There are herbs that can also help with your hair loss problems. One of these is the herb saw palemetto. This herb is close to the drug Propecia that you may have already heard about, which is commonly prescribed to patients interested in preventing hair loss. There are other herbs that can work to help prevent hair loss, such as green tea. Green Tea is a safer version for those that are scared to take herbs that are not as well known. You may find other herbs that are helpful for this problem, but these two are the ones that most people see the best benefits for hair loss prevention.

Know What You Are Putting On Your Head

You may think that you are doing yourself some good by using all these hair loss products, but you may not be. Many products that you may think are helping your hair are really damaging it. Hair dyes, perms, and even some shampoos are hurting the hair that you have on your head at its roots. So, it’s really a good idea to know exactly what you are putting on your head and what it could do for you, or what damage it can cause.

Damage from hair products is not the same hair loss that you may have when you are genetically prone to hair loss. Damage from hair loss products is one of the easiest types to reverse because the damage is not at the follicle line of the hair. So you don’t need to stop grooming your hair or changing the color as you wish to do, you simply need to take proactive measures to prevent hair damage or hair loss.

There are many reasons that you may have a potential hair loss. You should take the time and find out if you are not eating right or if there is something else that you may be doing to help cause your hair loss issues. This way you will be able to change it for yourself and you’ll have a chance to get back to your thick head of hair back in no time.

Learn more about Natural Hairloss Products.

Monday, May 26, 2008

How to Cope With Women’s Hair Loss

When you are a woman, you probably place enormous value on your hair. It is a form of beauty and it can even often tell your age. This makes it hard for a woman that may be losing her hair to keep a positive attitude, but there are ways to cope with the situation.

When you are losing your hair, it may be the only thing that is on your mind, dominating your daily thoughts. This can make it really hard to think about anything else as well as for you to find a sense of personal beauty. You are suddenly left with less hair than you wanted or expected to ever have to deal with, even possibly causing you embarrassment. It can be really hard for a woman that relies on her looks or if it is a big part of their identity to experience hair loss.

Don’t feel bad or ashamed of your appearance! There are many women that are dealing with hair loss daily around the world. Losing your hair is something that you can fix rather easily if you are open to alternative suggestions. Consider getting a wig or work on learning to love the new you in a way that you may not understand, but that can help you to get on with your life in the long run.

Don’t Feel Bad About Not Feeling Great

If you are able to, try to get a wig that looks good on you and in which compliments your facial features. Working to create a new self image may be just the thing that you need to put a smile back onto your face. Also, remember that hair loss happens to many people, and you may not be able to really do a whole lot about it. You have to learn to love yourself and how to move forward in your life, despite of a physical appearance set back. Your hair is just an extension of you and does not define who you are. You can get through it and you can work to find ways to not have your hair loss be the dominant thought in your life.

Don’t worry about how you are looking and just feel great about who you are. There are many things that you could have to deal with that is worse than losing your hair. If you are still having problems dealing with your medical issue, you may want to consider talking to your doctor about help. Speaking to a professional will help you to deal with your hair loss, your mental state, and may even help to change the way that you are looking at it in the total way.

There are many ways that you can handle your hair loss problems, but you should not feel as though it’s going to be the end of the world. You can get though this problem and you can look great no matter what your hair looks like. If you learn to love your new hair or if you decide that you want to consider doctor prescribed medications so that you get your hair back, you will be in a better frame of mind and ready to move forward in your life.


Learn more about Women's Hair Loss Treatment.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Herbal Remedies for Male Hair Loss

There are many different kinds of hair loss that men have to deal with. You may have been fighting it for years before you finally discovered herbal treatments and their ability to help. In fact, many herbal treatments are as effective as traditional prescription medications.

Chinese Herbs

When you think of Chinese herbs, you probably don’t think about them for hair loss, but the reality is that they can help in many ways. The ancient Chinese believe that baldness in men is caused by an insufficient blood supply to the scalp. What herbs are they using to resolve hair loss?

Some of the herbs that are used in Chinese medicine for hair loss are Astragalus, Angelica Archangelica Root, as well as Carya Alba and Corthamis Tinctorius. You already may have heard of these, because they have been used to treat other illnesses. Make sure that you ask plenty of questions before you take these so that you know what you are getting yourself into.

Saw Palmetto

This is an herb that has been used in the last hundred years by Native Americans and then later by Europeans to help with hair loss. This herb seems to have the same effect as Propecia in most men. You may not notice an immediate change, but it will happen over time.

Green Tea

This has been shown to help people with their hair loss, because it helps to take the levels of DHT down in the body which is a major cause of baldness in men. You should drink only a small amount of green tea as you will not see a larger improvement if you drink a higher amount of green tea.


This may help protect the hair from the DHT in the body and in effect help you with your hair loss issues. This has been used for some time to help but is not totally proven as a solution for hair loss in men.


This is a herb that comes from the African evergreens and has the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. This enzyme is widely used in Europe and can help to treat your baldness problems if you use it correctly.

There are many different herbs that are on the market today to assist with hair loss, but you really need to pay attention to what you are getting. You don’t want to get a product that you thought was going to help you, only to have the problem get worse. You should also make sure that you are taking the time to talk to your doctor before you start on any herbal remedy so that you are not having any reactions to the medications that you may already be taking for other problems. Remember that you should not feel ashamed of your hair loss, you are not alone and you can do something about it.


Learn more at: Provillus Natural Hair Loss Product

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Women - What Can You Do About Hair Loss?

There are many women that are losing their hair, but they may not know what they can do about it in the long run. There are ways that women can grow their hair back and other ways that the can help to keep losing it in the first place.

First, know what causes it

There are a few things that may be the cause of your hair loss. If you know what they are, then you will be more likely to be able to solve your hair loss problems.

• Alopecia areata – These are patches of baldness that you may have, and they will often not grow back in, even with treatment.
• Telogen effluvium – This is when you loose your hair after having a baby or sudden weight loss, and it is typically something that occurs rapidly.
• Traction alopecia – This is thinning that is caused from tight braids or ponytails.

These kinds of hair loss problems can be scary, but they are normally mild and may be temporary or even reversible in most cases.

Many people that will lose their hair will lose it in a natural and gradual way. They may lose it in the front of their scalp, or it could start with something as simple as an overall thinning of the entire scalp of hair. Women will start to lose their hair later in life, but it will almost never be the front part of their hair. Almost everyone will have thinning hair as they get older, but how thin it gets will depend on how much is there in the beginning.

Female baldness is not normally a result of genetics. This is true for the men but for some reason it’s not always true for a woman with regards to hair loss. There are things that you can do that will not hurt your hair loss problems and may help you to get it back or keep what you already have. These are:

• Don’t worry so much about perming or coloring your hair. If this does cause a slight lose of hair, it can be fixed, so don’t worry so much these actions too much.
• Ask your doctor about Rogaine. This could help you to keep the hair that you already have, so that you don’t experience additional hair loss. It will likely not help your hair to grow back, but it will help it to get thicker over time.
• Surgical procedures can help you to get new hair and may help you to look better in the long run. You will have to ask your doctor and they will help you to choose the solution that is right for you in the long run.

Take the time to look at all of your options so that you are getting the right treatment for you and your hair loss situation. You don’t have to feel embarrassed about your hair loss because there are many people that are in your same situation. It’s not as uncommon as you may think and the sooner you can discover a solution, the better you will feel, and the less hair that you will likely lose.


Learn more about Women's Hair Loss Treatment.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stop Hair Loss with Provillus

Mankind has always known that hair loss and baldness come with aging. Many men suffer loss of self-esteem when their hair begins to go; and most men are very sensitive about it. In a time when science seems to be solving most of life’s riddles, we have even begun to get some answers about exactly what causes us to lose our hair as we age.

The technical name for the hair loss that comes with aging is androgenetic alopecia, which results from a hormonal byproduct, DHT (dihydrotestostrone). The more you have, the more hair you will lose. Testosterone in league with an enzyme produces DHT, which attaches itself to hair follicles and eventually kills them. Testosterone is a male hormone that occurs naturally and plays an important role in the development of male children. Actually, androgenetic alopecia also occurs in women because both sexes have some testosterone, but women have less testosterone and their hair loss is less frequent.

There are many products on the market to stop hair loss, some legitimate, some not-so-legitimate, and some clearly illegitimate. Huge amounts of money are spent every year on these products, a reflection of how important this issue is to so many people.

There’s a new kid on the block, and it’s good news for anyone who is seeking to slow their hair loss and the encroachment of baldness. For the man who is looking in his mirror every day and seeing his forehead grow longer, encroachment is a good word for it, and for him this is, indeed, good news.

This new product is Provillus. First of all, Provillus blocks DHT from getting to the body. In other words, started early enough, the hair will not even begin falling out. It also works to nourish the body in such a way that the hair follicles can regrow hair in a natural way. The body already has a natural supply of nutrients that only need some help to protect the integrity of the follicles on the scalp. Provillus serves as a supplement to the body’s own nutrients to maintain a healthy scalp and a full head of hair.

Provillus is a topical solution as well as some tablets to be taken orally. The tablets are composed of natural ingredients to slow down the impact of DHT. It’s very good news that because they are natural, they don’t impact the libido as so many of the other treatments do.

Used after hair loss has occurred, new hair can grow on the back of the scalp. However, on some parts of the forehead, once the follicles are dead, they cannot be brought back to life.

More good news—it costs less than other major products and there is a six-month guarantee.


Learn more about Provillus Natural Hair Loss Product and Women's Hair Loss Treatment.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Have you considered a hair transplant?

Let’s face it, we all lose some of our hair as we age, and some of us lose most or all of it. The earlier the loss begins, the more extensive the loss. For some people, this is so traumatic that they are willing to do almost anything to get their hair back. In the past, this has not been very realistic; however, hair replacement has become a viable choice in recent years. Just what is it, and how do you go about choosing this option?

Hair Transplantation

Small pieces of scalp that are growing hair are removed and relocated to the bald or thinning areas. These grafts may be as small as one or two hairs or as large as thirty to forty. The site has been prepared with a slit in the scalp into which the transplant is placed. More often than not, several sessions are required and the time between sessions will probably be several months to allow for healing. Color and texture of hair determines how many transplants you will need. About fifty transplants will be done in a session. However, if the transplants are small ones, there may be as many as 700. The graft sites are usually closed with stitches.

Flap surgery is also sometimes used for the transplanting procedure. A portion of bald scalp is surgically removed and a “flap” of scalp that has hair is used to cover the area. The “flap” will remain attached at one end so that it still uses its own blood supply. Hair will usually cover the scar that is left. In recent years, transplantation and flap surgery are being combined to achieve the best results.

Anesthesia for these procedures is typically local along with some relaxation sedation, and the procedures are usually performed in an outpatient setting.

Questions to Ask Before Choosing Surgery:

Plastic surgeons usually perform this procedure.

How many procedures has the surgeon performed and what kind (flap, replacement, etc.)

What are your expectations? Discuss these with your doctor.

Do you have any medical conditions that might complicate this surgery?

What is your surgeon’s plan for your procedure?

What do you need to do to get ready for the surgery? If you smoke, you will need to stop at least two weeks ahead of time.

Where will it be done?

Who will come with you to see that you get home safely?

Pain should be minimal, but you will need some pain medication, which should be prescribed by your doctor. You will need to go in a day or two later to have bandages removed and then go back in about ten days to have stitches removed. You will be instructed to avoid vigorous exercise for about a month. You’ll probably need to go back in for routine examinations of the site several times in the first month.

The Risks

While surgery is the most permanent solution, it is costly; and as with any surgical procedure, there are risks. Sometimes the hair follicles will not be healthy over the long run. Ask questions before making the leap. Try to find others who have had the procedure. Some of your doctor’s other transplant patients might be willing to talk to you.

If you are not currently satisfied with your current hair re-growth treatment plan, consider the benefits of hair replacement therapy.


Rather not have a transplant? Learn more about Provillus Natural Hair Loss Product and Women's Hair Loss Treatment.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Women’s Hair Loss: A Difficult Issue

Male hair loss is a big deal! The airwaves are filled with ads selling treatments and it’s the subject of jokes; a sure sign that it is not only a sensitive area but one that has high visibility. On the other hand, hair loss in women is rarely mentioned, even though most women begin to experience it by the time they are forty years of age. For some women, it’s devastating and is accompanied by loss of self-esteem. When we try to discuss it with our doctors, they often pass it off as of no consequence since it is not life-threatening.


Actually, the loss of hair that comes with aging has the same root cause in women as in men. While the hormone testosterone is the culprit, it’s not as simple as that. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) actually gets the blame, but it comes about because of a combination of testosterone and the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. DHT binds to receptors in scalp follicles and kills them. The difference between hereditary hair loss in women and in men is one of volume. Because men have more testosterone, they are more likely to lose more of their hair.

Hair loss can also be caused by hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, pregnancy, disease, and certain medications.

Oral Contraceptives and Hair Loss

Millions of women have been prescribed oral contraception since its approval by the FDA in 1960. However, not many are aware that the Pill often leads to hair loss, which may occur while on the pill or following the stopping of the use of the medication.

If you are concerned about the hair loss that might accompany the use of oral contraceptives, you should ask your doctor about those with the least androgenic activity. Talk to your doctor about your concerns about hair loss.

Treatments for Women

The matter of androgen levels is a matter of concern in women, and your doctor will hesitate to prescribe any of the standard treatments that men are using to stave off hair loss. Unfortunately, drug companies have not been inclined to address the matter of drugs for women for this purpose. Your doctor should call for a battery of tests before prescribing anything.

Once the actual cause of your hair loss has been determined as a result of the tests, following are some of the medications that may be prescribed:

• Minoxidil, applied topically: The dosage is smaller than for men; if the standard male dose is prescribed, you should be carefully supervised.
• Androgen Receptor Inhibitors: Spironolactone, Cimetidine, and Cyproterone Acetate.
• Oral Contraceptives: Low-androgen-index birth control pills under a doctor’s strict supervision.
• Ketoconazole: Used topically, it limits the production of testosterone and other androgens.
• Finasteride: Taken orally, it inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha reductase in the hair follicle.
• Cyproterone Acetate with Ethinyloestradiol: Contraceptive tablets prescribed in Europe for hair loss in women.

Learn more about Women's Hair Loss Treatment.